Drama Boosters
The York Drama Boosters are parents, friends and community members who support the York Drama Program by raising funds for departmental needs not covered by their budget or ticket sales, such as production equipment, costumes, student scholarships and more.
All are welcome to join!
We welcome all parents and family members to consider joining York Drama Boosters. Monies raised by this organization are used to help support York Drama theater productions, performing arts learning opportunities, student scholarships and more!
We hope that you can join York Drama Boosters in supporting these students in this upcoming season; your support means a great deal to their education at large and the productions we all love and cherish in the Baker Auditorium.
If you love the arts and want to support the work of York Drama, even a $10 donation can go a long way to help elevate York's theatre education program and productions.
Questions? Please email membership@yorkdrama.org.
How to join:
There are now two quick and convenient ways to join the York Drama Boosters.
Venmo: @yorkdramaboosters
If you are using a Quick Payment option, please ensure to include: Your name (as you would like it to appear in the program) and your email. If you do not include your email address, you will not be able to receive your complimentary tickets.
2024-2025 Executive Board
Co-Presidents: Mary Eileen Kungl & Lisa Nuss
Co-Vice Presidents: Anne Bigane & Erin Vitellaro
Treasurer: Sara Clark
Secretary: Heather Hall
Tickets: Jenny Koerth & Theresa Shea
Fundraising: Trish Poulson & Erin Stafford
Communications: Amanda Tolman